Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Art Shanty Project

dICEHOUSES, by the citizens of Mt. Holly, Minnesota

On the frozen Medicine Lake, citizens of Plymouth, Minnesota come together (17 January - 14 February 2009) for the Art Shanty Project. This is the sixth year for the event. The event founders challenged artists to create outside of their disciplines and traditional studio-to-gallery environment and to make art accessible and engaging to the bundled up, general public.

A nice slideshow of the event is here. The Mayor of nearby Mt. Holly, Minnesota, Mike Haeg, enlisted his community in the project this year. "The citizenry of Mt. Holly experienced the Art Shanty Projects for the first time last year and we were so inspired, that we submitted our own shanty idea this year; 5 giant, Oldenburg-esque dice stocked with dice, cards, and board games. We call them The dICEHOUSES Shanty. They reintroduce families, friends and strangers to to the conversation, warmth, and closeness fostered by the cadence of table games." You can see further photos at the dICEHOUSES blog.

Pretty cool.

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